
Training That Makes a Difference
We often hear from commercial fishermen and other mariners how their marine safety training has made a difference in their safety...
Jun 14, 20192 min read

Skiff Safety: Small Boat, Big Risks
It can happen in an instant. The weather’s turned rough and the waves are starting to get large, but there’s just a bit more to be done...
May 22, 20193 min read

Emergency Drills Ensure Crew Readiness
Editor's note: Sometimes we assume that everyone understands the need for practicing emergency procedures skills. In case you need...
Apr 5, 20194 min read

Marine Board of Investigation Report on the F/V Destination Sinking is Released
Update: The U.S. Coast Guard Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis has issued Findings of Concern resulting from the sinking of...
Mar 4, 20192 min read

How Do You Really Feel About PFDs?
Nearly every AMSEA class covers the importance of wearing a personal flotation device (PFD) while on deck. AMSEA instructors have...
Feb 21, 20192 min read

Time to Repack My Life Raft...Again?!?!
Under federal regulation (46 CFR 28.140), any commercial fishing vessel that is required to have a survival craft, must have its...
Feb 1, 20193 min read

U.S. Coast Guard Releases New Video on EPIRBs
In an emergency, activating your vessel's EPIRB is the most certain method of summoning help. But, have you ever wondered what happens if...
Jan 11, 20192 min read

Aretha Franklin, Water Safety, and Myths that Won’t Go Away
Aretha Franklin, an American icon recently passed away. Some of us remember when her 1965 hit song, Respect, hit the airwaves. In that...
Oct 25, 20183 min read

How to Increase Your Chances of Surviving a Vessel Sinking
Earlier this year, researchers in the NIOSH Commercial Fishing Safety Program published a study of factors associated with fishing crews...
Jul 25, 20182 min read

It's Time to Inspect Your Immersion Suit!
Your immersion suit is a bit like a parachute. When aviators are forced to "bail out", they rely on their parachutes to get them to the...
Feb 9, 20185 min read

PFDs That Work
AMSEA instructor, Beverly Noll, called this morning with the sad news that a fisherman was lost overboard off the coast of Northern...
Feb 5, 20182 min read

PFDs Just Helped Save Two Commercial Fishermen in the Bering Sea
Why are these guys smiling? Maybe because they know that the PFDs they are wearing just might save their lives. Photo credit: Ted...
Feb 5, 20181 min read

Don't Let Your Survival Skills Get Rusty
Would you like to improve your performance in an emergency at sea by nearly 30%? Well, who wouldn't? Conducting monthly drills of your...
Jan 19, 20183 min read

Making an Effective MAYDAY Call
The ability to signal for help is a critical skill during an emergency at sea. On any vessel equipped with a marine radio, that signal...
Jan 12, 20182 min read

Fatigue — It'll Bite You
Operating your boat while fatigued can lead to very bad outcomes. But, don't take our word for for it. Listen to Capt. Russ Eager. He ran...
Jan 2, 20182 min read

Cold Water Immersion Risks
Often, when we discuss cold water immersion in our marine safety workshops, students will bring up the dangers of hypothermia. Their...
Dec 29, 20173 min read

Safety Training Saves Lives, But Don't Take Our Word For It
As you may already know, California commercial fisherman, Frank Gee, recently lost the F/V Ocean Gale, to a fire while off Pillar Point,...
Nov 29, 20172 min read

Time Out
It’s time to take a mid-season time out. Maybe not a long one, just a few minutes to think about what we’re doing. The Bristol Bay run is...
Aug 1, 20172 min read

Outdoor Survival Camp 2017
This past Friday, we completed our week-long, children’s Outdoor Survival Camp. It was a pleasure to see the enthusiasm that youngsters...
Jul 17, 20171 min read

U.S. Coast Guard Reminds Paddlers to Stay Safe Around Vessel Traffic
Many of us dream of paddling our kayaks in pristine, wilderness waters, far from civilization and motorized vessels. However, it's likely...
May 30, 20171 min read