
3 New Safety Videos on the AMSEA Website...
Become the most prepared mariner you can be. Keep yourself, community, and waters as safe as possible! AMSEA has published three new...
Oct 13, 20231 min read

Upcoming FISHSAC Meeting
Notice of the upcoming Federal Advisory Committee meeting. The National Commercial Fishing Safety Advisory Committee will meet on...
Sep 13, 20231 min read

New Publication; Pilot Study of the Norton Sound Set Gillnet Salmon Fishery
AMSEA's new Executive Director, Dr. Leann Fay, and her research assistant, Mayugiaq Melanie Sagoonick, completed a pilot study of the set...
Aug 30, 20231 min read

Preventing Falls Overboard
It may seem obvious, but staying out of the water dramatically improves your chances of survival on a commercial fishing vessel. No one...
Aug 22, 20232 min read

Commercial Fishermen and Stress; how to address mental health on the water
What does it take to be a commercial fisherman? Be tough enough to brave the weather? Endure long hours of hard labor on very little...
Jul 25, 20231 min read

Life Jackets are most effective when worn!
The recent State of Alaska Epidemiology Bulletin has some alarming statistics about marine safety practices and recreational boaters in...
Jul 17, 20233 min read