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AMSEA Instructors Forum
Explore your forum below to see what you can do, or head to Settings to start managing your Categories.
Newcomers & Introductions
Please introduce yourself. We're all colleagues so let's get acquainted!
10Forum Rules
The rules of the road for the instructors forum.
Get the latest news for the instructor network here.
6Regs & Requirements
The regulatory environment for commercial fishers and other mariners can be confusing. Ask your regulation questions here.
1Methods of Instruction
Do you have an instruction tip to share with the network? Had a problem in a class? Let's talk about!
0Training Resources
Have you come across some particularly useful materials or resources that you use in your classes? Share them here!
This is the place to share graphics, photos, and other images for use in classroom presentations.
Seen a new piece of safety gear or have a gear-related question? Suggestions about what does and doesn't work?
1Saves & Casualties
Have you heard about a save at sea or a marine casualty? Let's learn about what happened, what worked, and what didn't.
We all have questions. What do you want to know about AMSEA? Ask away!
0Suggestion Box
Don't sit on that great idea. Share it here!
0Instructor Lounge
Like a neighborhood pub, this is the place for chit-chat, social networking, and off-topic conversations.