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AMSEA Members
AMSEA is supported by individuals, businesses, and organizations from across the U.S.A.
AMSEA Members
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Deckhand (Up to $50)
Ashley Green - F/V Haven - Sitka, AK
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation - Dillingham, AK
Chip Arnold, Seward, AK
Damon Gannon - Bath, ME
Dug & Susan Jensen - Sitka, AK
Emily Harter - Seward, AK
George Peek - Titusville, FL
Heads or Tails - Darien, GA
Jack Poulson- Poulson Law LLC - Juneau, AK
Janel Harris - Homer, AK
JW Marine Surveyors, Pemberton, NJ
Katie Chearney, Tuntutuliak, AK
Laurel White - Douglas, AK
Mary Chambers - Sitka, AK
Maureen Knutsen - F/V Jenny O. Daun - Naknek, AK
Michael Litman- Precision Boatworks - Sitka, AK
Nate Souza - Sabine Pass, TX
Peter Koltun - Morehead City, NC
Robert Rice, Ketchikan, AK
Sara Ebersole - Sitka, AK
Susannah Holloway - Barrington, RI
Xavior Canchola - Oxnard, CA
Zachary Whitener - Portland, ME
Mate ( $100 to $149)
Annaleah Marron - Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Bill & Etsuko Beebe - Juneau, AK
Coral Pendell - Skookum Canvasworks - Sitka, AK
David Martin - F/V Kaguyak - Clam Gulch, AK
Devren Bennett - Homeport Electronics Inc - Petersburg, AK
Ed Dennehy - Fairhaven, MA
James Herbert - F/V Kingfisher III - Homer, AK
Jeff Bryden, Gone Again Charters - Moose Pass, AK
John Stoddard - Lander, WY
Capt. John O'Leary - F/V Capt Bligh - White Marsh, VA
Katy Pendell - Sitka, AK
Keith Bosley - Port Townsend, WA
Kris Dubics - Seward, AK
Mike & Wendy Rudolph - Battle Ground, WA
Nick Olmsted & Molly Kemp - Tenakee Springs, AK
Pat Kehoe - Sitka, AK
Ron Hilburger - Portland, OR
Susanna Leigh - Gualala, CA
Skipper ($150 to $249)
Britt Elliott - Vallejo, CA
Brad Kenyon - Florida Family Fisheries Inc. - Satellite Beach, FL
Jeff & Martha Pearson - Sitka, AK
Jeffrey Bryden - Moose Pass, AK
Leigh McCue-Weil - Washington, DC
Norman Pillen - Bellingham, AK
Peggy Barry - Newton, MA
Richard Curran - F/V Cherokee - Sitka, AK
Richard Ogg - F/V Miss Peggy - Bodega Bay, CA
Rodney Avila - New Bedford, MA
Sarah Fisken - Quilcene, WA
Scott Wilwert - Juneau, AK
Stephen & Beth Rhoads - Jamestown Fisheries - Sitka, AK
Tav Ammu- F/V Sea La Vie - Dillingham, AK
Fishing Vessel ($250 to $499)
Christine & Charles Horan - Sitka, AK
Don Etheridge - Tagish Marine - Juneau, AK
Edward Melvin - Seattle, WA
Frederick Mattera - South Kingston, RI
Joeseph McCullough - Anchorage, AK
Kris Calvin - Fisherman's Quay, LLC - Sitka, AK
Leann Fay Cyr, Ph.D. - Sitka, AK
Malcolm Wright - Dillingham, AK
Mark Severson - F/V Odin - Peterburg, AK
Michael Mayo - F/V Coral Lee - Sitka, AK
North Carolina Sea Grant - Wanchese, N.C.
Sierra Seafood Co. - Breckenridge, CO
Steve Fish - F/V Kariel - Sitka, AK
Torie Baker & Troy Tirrell - F/V Delta Tango - Cordova, AK
Schooner ($500 to $999)
Capt. Kathleen Flury - Yuma, AZ
Gordon Blue - Juneau, AK
Jerry Dzugan - Sitka, AK
Julie Matweyou & Arthur Schultz - F/V Lindsey Marie - Kodiak, AK
NOAA Auke Bay Lab
Paula Cullenberg & Peter Crimp - Small Boat Salmon - Homer, AK
Rachel Myron & Steve Lewis - Tenakee Springs, AK
Tomi Marsh - F/V Savage - Ketchikan, AK
Highliner ($1,000 or more)
Pat Dye - Cooper Landing, AK
Trident Seafoods Corporation - Seattle WA