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Thank You UFA and ABSC!

We are gratified to receive the support of everyone that supports AMSEA through an annual membership. However, we need to acknowledge a membership renewal from United Fishermen of Alaska and a new membership from Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers. Both organizations advocate for commercial fishermen and fisheries in Alaska and we're proud to have their support!

United Fishermen of Alaska has been an AMSEA member for seven years, but they have been around a longer than that. Since 1974, UFA has advocated for all commercial fishing gear groups, science-based fisheries management, and industry safety. UFA has been a strong voice for commercial fishermen to the legislature and the public at large.

Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers seek to continue being "vigilant stewards of our crab resources and the environment, provide economic stability to our industry and Alaska's coastal communities, promote safety at sea, and produce premier crab products for our American and global customers." ABSC participates in the regulatory process and advocates for scientific research and management of crab stocks to benefit the resource and independently-owned businesses that comprise Alaska's Bering Sea crab fisheries. We're grateful for the support of these leading commercial fishing industry trade organizations. You can the other organizations and individuals supporting AMSEA's marine safety training programs on our membership page. If you would like to add your name or your organization our membership list, become a member today!


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